Welcome to the First Online Series I ever gave!
"Shamanic Healing Meditations was the first of the 3 "lockdown series" that I held in 2020. Together we dived deep into the realms of the heart, the soul, and new possibilities.
This series has one goal: to reconnect you to your inner power and soul-purpose.
Through shamanic meditations, healing ceremonies, and guided journeys, you will find a deeper connection to life, Mother Earth, and your Soul-Purpose that wants to manifest through you.
“When we live from our soul, we discover a natural flow that opens the doors to manifestations beyond what we thought was possible"
Roel Crabbe
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the Shamanic Healing Meditations series:

Video Download of all 6 sessions
You will receive video recordings of all 6 Shamanic Healing Meditations sessions, so you can rewatch them whenever you like

Audio Download of all 6 sessions
You will receive audio recordings of all 6 Shamanic Healing Meditations sessions, so you can listen to them whenever you like

Special Bonus:
Separate audio fragments of the session (invocation and meditation)

SESSION 1: Return to Essence - 1:22:36
In this session, we will make the journey back deep into our core and timeless essence through shamanic healing work and the power of our own spirit.
We will learn:
- How we can anchor ourselves in the center of our being in these times of upheaval
- How we can rest in the seat of consciousness when everything around us is in so much transition and change.
- How we can return to the temple when we have been feeling out of balance, fearful, or lost

SESSION 2: Soul Guidance - 1:25:00
In this session, we will go into the practice of Soul Listening and reconnecting to the voice of our true calling. Through shamanic meditation we will anchor the frequency of soul back into our lives, so we can live from it and be guided.
We will learn:
- How we can reconnect our soul, to our heart, to our spirit
- How we can know that we are not following the voice of our ego, but from our essence
- How we can tap into the power of spiritual guidance

SESSION 3: Walking in Trust - 1:26:13
In this session, we will focus on reconnecting to our deeper connection with Life and letting go of fears. So we may walk in deeper trust and guidance.
We will learn:
- To practice being open
- To connect again to your heart and to others
- To allow the unknown to be and to surrender to it

SESSION 4: Ancestral Support - 1:36:27
In this session, we will focus on connecting with Ancestral support to navigate through these times and embrace guidance for the unfolding of our soul-purpose
We will learn:
- To listen to the realms of spirit that are within our experience
- To honour the Ancestors and invite those that want to help
- To journey to ask for help, guidance and how to share the gifts of our soul

SESSION 5: Healing with Light - 1:30:24
In this session, we will focus on how to bring light into our world, into our being, and from there, share it with the world
We will learn:
- To open ourselves and be touched by light
- To become explorers of our own being
- To journey into the temple of the heart

SESSION 6: Transfiguration Healing - 1:35:31
In this session, we will work with a transfiguration-healing method, coming from the wonderful work of Sandra Ingerman.
In the transfigured state, heavy energies and blockages, dissolve and are transmuted.
Apart from making a transfiguration journey for ourselves, we will also make a transfiguration journey for the world.
Sandra Ingerman and Peggy Dylan about Roel
Sandra Ingerman about Roel
"Roel Crabbe's work is exquisite. His life experience has led him to be a brilliant and compassionate shamanic healer and teacher. I have known Roel since 2004 and had the opportunity to watch him work many times.
His work is really beautiful and touches deep into the soul of his clients. His communication is clear and his work is truly innovative. Anyone attending a workshop with Roel will come out a wealth of teachings, healing and inspiration."
- Sandra Ingerman, author of 10 books on shamanism including "Soul Retrieval" and "Walking in Light."

Peggy Dylan about Roel
"The teachers who have impacted my life in the most profound way have all had a number of qualities in common: compassion, intelligence and integrity. Above all they walked their talk, in other words they lived their lives from their principles.
In my experience Roel Crabbe has the qualities that set apart a true teacher in abundance. The Sufis call their teachers Spiritual Friends, I believe you could find no better Spiritual Friend than Roel."
- Peggy Dylan

What people say about the Shamanic Healing Meditations

Victoria S.
Especially beautiful this tones music and voice... thank you so much for offering your healing and sharing your heart with us!

Andra D.
Thank you Roel for creating this sacred space, thank you for your guidance, your singing and your light! And thank you to everyone who participated in this beautiful circle! May this energy fill the being of every being in the world!

Nathalie V.
Thank you so much for the wonderfull songs and the drumming. They are opening my heart!

Rosette B.
So much blessings, gratitude and unconditional love. Thank you Roel, with all my heart.

Annemieke S.
Thank you so much! You bring joy to my heart. Your voice is peacefull and I always look forward to this gatherings in spirit. Thank you for this great gift in sharing!

Layla R.
Thank you so much for sharing your stories, Roel. It really gives me strength. You are a wonderful person!
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Shamanic Healing Meditations series
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Yes, I would like to get 50% discount on these 3 seriesAbout Roel Crabbé
Roel Crabbe has been practising shamanism since 1995 under the guidance of both traditional and Western teachers. He is personally trained and authorized to teach Shamanic journeying and shamanic healing by Sandra Ingerman former education director of the Foundation for Shamanic Studies and author of a.o. "Soul Retrieval" & "Medicine for the Earth."
Apart from this work he has developed numerous own practices and facilities shamanic rituals and ceremonies for transformation and healing. He has been recognized by several traditional shamans for his ability to bring in very pure energies and tap into ancient songlines from the Spiritworld. His work with ancestral healing songs, which are often only sung once, has become an intrinsic part of his teaching and healing work.
Since 2004, Roel has taught thousands in shamanism and healing in Belgium, the Netherlands, Sweden, Austria, Italy and France. His work has been published in publications by, among others, Bres and Change magazine.
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