Great news: we just added another 5 amazing bonuses:
- 2 New Teachings, LIVE on Zoom with Roel on July 16th
+ 2 Gifts from shamanic teacher Linda Fitch
+ Powerful teaching & Ceremony by Sandra Ingerman
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“We are in times of big change and initiation. We are being called to remember our ancient and sacred connection to life and live life from our soul. The time is now."
- Roel -
The Online Shamanic Journey Course includes:

Module 1: Enter the world of the Shaman
In this module, you will learn how you can reach the 'shamanic state of consciousness' in a safe and grounded way.
We will open the Portals to the Spirit World together and look at the cosmology of the shaman and how we can restore a soul connection with this ancient source of wisdom. You will get to know the 3 Shamanic worlds from which contact with the spirit world is possible.
- Lesson 1 - Welcome to the Shamanic Journey course - 14:46
- Lesson 2 - Invocation - 7:32
- Lesson 3 - What is Shamanism? What is the work of the Shaman? - 17:10
- Lesson 4 - Learn to see with the Eye of the Shaman - 4:31
- Lesson 5 - Meditation: Opening of your Spiritual Senses - 9:23
- Lesson 6 - Ceremony with the two Paths of healing - 21:27
- Lesson 7 - The Cosmology of the Shaman, the Axis Mundi and the 3 Worlds - 14:53
- Lesson 8 - Practical tips for Journeying - 6:31
- Lesson 9 - Empowerment Before you Journey - 8:23
- Lesson 10 - Your intention for your First Journey - 3:32
- Lesson 11 - Preparation for the first journey - 10:11
- Lesson 12 - Shamanic Journey to the Lower World - 21:33
- Lesson 13 - Integration Module 1 - 8:00
- Lesson 14 - Closing ceremony Module 1 - 9:50

Module 2: Working with the Spirit Helpers & the Journey to the Lower world
In this module, you will learn how to make deeper connections with sources of power and make a sacred connection with your spirit helpers.
You will be guided step by step on how the shaman works with spiritual allies and 'spirit helpers' so you can deepen your journeys to the Lower World.
- Lesson 1 - Welcome - 4:05
- Lesson 2 - Invocation - 12:28
- Lesson 3 - How to Deepen the Shamanic Journey - 14:49
- Lesson 4 - Spirit Helpers: Allies of the Soul - 8:36
- Lesson 5 - On Connection, Power and Becoming Hollow - 7:08
- Lesson 6 - Becoming Hollow and Journey to the Lower world - 23:41
- Lesson 7 - Lower world Journey Review - 4:29
- Lesson 8 - Creating Ceremony for your Shamanic Journey - 16:01
- Lesson 9 - The Power of Intention in the Spirit World - 11:37
- Lesson 10 - Journey to the Lower world with your own Intention - 17:06
- Lesson 11 - Integration - 8:52
- Lesson 12 - Closing Ceremony - 11:36

Module 3: Spirit Teachers, Divination & the Journey to the Upper world
In this module, you will learn to work with the spirits for Guidance and Divination.
You will connect with the spirits of the Upper world and learn about the role of Spirit teachers in shamanic practice.
- Lesson 1 - Welcome - 5:10
- Lesson 2 - Invocation - 10:38
- Lesson 3 - Drumming and Rattling for your own Shamanic journey - 15:52
- Lesson 4 - How Shamans Journey & Interpret Your Journey - 9:57
- Lesson 5 - The Shamanic Journey and the Dance with the Mystery - 5:25
- Lesson 6 - How to journey to the Upperworld and your Spirit Teacher - 7:22
- Lesson 7 - Shamanic Journey to the Upper world - 20:02
- Lesson 8 - Divination journeys for others - 8:46
- Lesson 9 - Manifesting Power of the Word & Intention - 11:42
- Lesson 10 - Word and Frequency as Healing Power - 14:52
- Lesson 11 - Healing Journey to the Upper world - 19:04
- Lesson 12 - Integration - 13:20
- Lesson 13 - Closing Ceremony - 9:32

Module 4: The Shamanic journey for Healing:
In this module, you will learn how to access healing for yourself through the Shamanic Journey.
You will learn powerful ways to bring the amazing healing potential of shamanic journeying into your life.
- How to strengthen your connection to your Helping Spirits
- Embodying Power: Journeying while using the body.
- How shamans heal
- Power retrieval: ancient healing practice
- Healing journeys for yourself and others
- How the shaman works with his/her spirit helpers for empowerment, guidance and healing
- Learn the one healing method that, according to Roel's teacher, is the most importan

Module 5: Working in the Middle World & Healing Ceremony for Mother Earth
In this module, you will learn to work in the magical dimension of the Middle World and to cooperate with the spirit of your home. You will also learn to conduct your own healing ceremony for the Earth.
- How to work in the Middle world
- Working with the Spirits of your home
- Deepening your connection to the spirits of Nature
- How to create a healing ceremony for a place in nature or Mother Earth
- Healing ceremony for the Earth

Bonus sessions
Roel will be teaching the following subjects as extra bonus sessions in the course.
- How to use smudging for Energetic Purification & Blessing
- Calling in the healing power of the 4 directions
9 Special Bonuses

BONUS 1: Session: "Open the Eye of the Shaman"
Are you worried that you can't journey well, or that you can't follow along so easily in the guided meditations. Roel will help you overcome this and teach you, step by step, how to open and train the "strong eye of the shaman".

BONUS 2: Shamanic Journey Tracks
Receive some of Roel's studio recordings to accompany your shamanic journeys, so you can journey whenever and wherever you want.

BONUS 3: International Student Platform
Get free access to Roel's International student platform on Facebook, where you can ask your questions and Roel regularly gives free livestream lessons.

BONUS 4: Library with over 20 hours of extra video lessons
Get access to more than 20h! of extra lessons, in which Roel not only teaches you about deepening your journeys but also accompanies you with drum and singing each time you journey.

BONUS 5: 3-part workshop "Awaken to your Shamanic Path"
Get the fully remastered introductory workshop with over 4 hours of teachings about shamanic practices for Empowerment, Guidance and Healing.
Session 1: Shamanic Empowerment
Session 2: Shamanic Guidance
Session 3: Shamanic Healing

BONUS 6: 2 extra special bonuses by Linda Fitch
The wonderful shamanic teacher Linda Fitch has added 2 beautiful bonuses to the Shamanic Journey course to support you in your journey!
"Create an Ancestral Altar": an ebook with a powerful step-by-step approach to creating an Ancestral Altar.
"Listening to Spirit": a beautiful 5-day video course with teachings and practices.

BONUS 7: Powerful teaching & Ceremony by Sandra Ingerman
Step into a deeper connection with your true essence through the powerful teaching of Sandra Ingerman, who guides you in connecting to your soul and healing light.

BONUS 8: Heart Meditation
Roel takes you into a deep place of connection, from where his Ancestral Healing Songs will bring you healing and rejuvenation and will touch your heart and soul.
This is a wonderful inner journey that you can use at any moment you want to recharge or reconnect to your essence.

BONUS 9: Extra Healingceremonies
Roel guides extra healing ceremonies just for the students of this course. Ceremonies of blessings for the path of your soul and deepening our connection with the spirit helpers and power sources that support our soul.

BONUS 10: The Transforming Power of the Shamanic Journey
7-part workshop series
In this 7-part series, Roel shares practical tools that you can immediately put to use in your life so you can experience that it doesn't take much time to bring the transformative power of this ancient, healing practice of shamanism into your life.
This is what you will receive in the Shamanic Journey course

5 weeks of online training
In more than 55 lessons, Roel guides you step by step in developing a safe and grounded way of shamanic journeying.

Watch the lesson Online or Download the Video
A video is available for each lesson in which Roel provides the necessary explanations. You can watch it on the course platform or download it.

Audio Downloads & Transcripts from each session
Re-listen and re-read each lesson to deepen your knowledge whenever you want.

Occasional LIVE Sessions with Roel
Several times a year, Roel gives a LIVE online session for online students to deepen shamanic work.
Take a look at the course platform
What other teachers are saying about Roel
"Anyone attending a workshop with Roel will come out with a wealth of teachings, healing and inspiration."
"Roel Crabbe's work is exquisite. His life experience has led him to be a brilliant and compassionate shamanic healer and teacher. I have known Roel since 2004 and had the opportunity to watch him work many times.
His work is really beautiful and touches deep into the soul of his clients. His communication is clear and his work is truly innovative. Anyone attending a workshop with Roel will come out a wealth of teachings, healing and inspiration."
- Sandra Ingerman, author of 10 books on shamanism including "Soul Retrieval" and "Walking in Light."

"In my experience Roel has the qualities that set apart a true teacher in abundance."
"The teachers who have impacted my life in the most profound way have all had a number of qualities in common: compassion, intelligence and integrity. Above all they walked their talk, in other words they lived their lives from their principles.
In my experience Roel Crabbe has the qualities that set apart a true teacher in abundance. The Sufis call their teachers Spiritual Friends, I believe you could find no better Spiritual Friend than Roel."
- Peggy Dylan founder of Sundoor School of Transformation

"His ceremonies, healing modalities and therapies are one-of-a-kind and profoundly transformative."
"Roel Crabbe is a powerfully talented shamanic teacher and musician and a deeply creative innovator in our field. His ceremonies, healing modalities and therapies are one-of-a-kind and profoundly transformative. His many gifts and strengths make him exceptional, and he is a true stand-out among his peers."
- Jane Burns, author of “Up a Tree: A Novel and Shamanic Handbook”

"When he creates ceremony, you can truly feel the presence of the loving, healing ancestors and spirits."
"Roel’s commitment and passion for supporting people to connect to spirit is a true blessing for this world. His soulful songs evoke ancient healing and open the portals between the worlds. When he creates ceremony, you can truly feel the presence of the loving, healing ancestors and spirits. This is powerful work!"
- Chetna Lawless - Shamanic Teacher and Transmitter of the Colour Rays

What students are saying about the course
"This course is amazing...."
"Clearly the result of a lot of experience, a lot of dedication and not only passion for the subject, but passion to teach people how to journey and help them take control of their lives.
What will stay with me, especially about this course, is the framework Roel gives to work with shamanic journeying, to structure it, and the guidance on how to work with journeying for other people and how to ask for healing for others or yourself. They were beautiful and intense journeys into the lower world, the upper world and the middle world.
Personally, I don't know anyone who organizes courses with so much dedication and so much "giving". I take a deep bow for you and for this wonderful experience you gave me."
- Nancy
"The Shamanic Journey Course has brought me closer to the source...."
"Thank you for your authentic way of working. During one of my journeys, I received the message that I may feel everything and work with it, but the advice was to remain as modest as a mouse. And I also experience this with you. From this connection, more and more may arise."
- Monique
"...I was and am grateful for all of our connectedness.... "
" What I experienced from the course is the subtle touching of that moving beauty, which is our own, and yet we regularly imagine it to be outside us, I was and am grateful for all of our connectedness, serving the unity field ... a wonderful experience that I wish for everyone ... I also appreciated that you offered pearls of wisdom, I experienced them as an invitation to live them, whereby an own truth develops and evolves and ..."
- Bruno
"Thanks to the clear focus of this course, you manage to make shamanism contemporary and accessible to everyone."
"For me, your way of working is characterized by pure simplicity in an atmosphere of serenity without sacrificing depth. Quite the contrary! In this Shamanic Journey Course, you made me come home again to the essence and through to the core. The core of who I am and what I want to achieve in my life. From there, you gave me the necessary tools to continue working on my own and with the help of the trance journeys to really take control of my life. All this in a safe and supportive environment, where we could all feel again what it is like to be carried along on the flow of life itself..."
- Kris
"The calmness, authenticity and simplicity that Roel exudes are also reflected in the online Shamanic Journey Course."
"You can access the course as needed via short videos. There is also a written-out text version that I bundled; this way I also have a tangible course. I was surprised that I was taken into timeless journeying with no prior knowledge and learned to make contact with spirit helpers from the different worlds. Roel does not present himself as 'he who knows and who must be followed'; on the contrary, there is a great freedom to shape rituals, guiding sounds or whatever I need to deepen this path in my own way. He gives me a solid foundation based on his experience, wisdom and knowledge.
What I was able to learn and experience strengthens my confidence in life and supports my growth towards wholeness. It tastes like more."
- Patricia
"Every time it is a feeling of coming home again...."
"Shamanism has put me back on my path. Through these workshops with Roel, I feel again what connectedness means. We make journeys to the other worlds to get to know and learn from our guides. For me Roel is also my guide, who with a warm heart, shows the possibilities to reconnect with yourself, with others, with nature, and with everything that is... Every time it is a feeling of coming home again. Thank you!"
- Cindy
"This powerful tool provides access to a beautiful and lifelong journey...."
"We stepped into a beautiful story as a group. Roel takes you into these wonderful, healing, pure worlds on a journey with song, dance, and coaching but also with plenty of structure, work material and follow-up."
- Annick
"It gave me a wonderful feeling of connection, love and harmony."
"The Shamanic Journey course was a very beautiful experience for me. It gave me a wonderful feeling of connectedness, love and harmony. I experience that I can now open my heart even more to all the beauty here on earth. I was allowed to meet my power animal, with which I now have a strong connection. For me, shamanism is coming home deep inside yourself. Highly recommended !!!!!!"
- Patricia
"The doubt was completely removed when I was allowed to get a power animal for someone else..."
"The first time I went on a journey, the line between my own creativity and the underworld was very blurred. So when I came back, I had doubts about my trance journey. You helped me to clear these doubts in an excellent way, with a message for the person. That has been a truly wonderful experience in which my doubts have turned into beliefs."
- Richard
"Working with the trance journeys is for me a simple and accessible method to better understand reality."
"Words fail me to describe the Shamanic Journey Course. I think you are doing a fantastic and fascinating job. Working with the trance journeys is for me a simple and accessible method to better understand reality. Moreover, it fits with the rest of my knowledge and vision It is just a fine way to broaden my view of the world."
- Gudrun
You run no risk with our money-back guarantee
Should you find after the first 2 modules that the training, for whatever reason, is not for you, you can inform us within 7 days and we will give you a full refund.
So you run no risk and can freely test whether the course really suits you.

Sign up now
Paypal/Credit cardSign up now - payment plan
Paypal/Credit card x3Or pay via bank transfer here
Or pay via bank transfer here
About Roel Crabbé
Roel Crabbe has been practising shamanism since 1995 under the guidance of both traditional and Western teachers. He has been personally trained and authorized to teach Shamanic journeying and healing by Sandra Ingerman, former education director of the Foundation for Shamanic Studies and author of "Soul Retrieval" & "Medicine for the Earth" among others.
Apart from this work, he has developed numerous own practices and facilitates shamanic rituals and ceremonies for transformation and healing. He has been recognized by several traditional shamans for his ability to bring in very pure energies and tap into ancient songlines from the Spirit world. His work with ancestral healing songs, which are often only sung once, has become an intrinsic part of his teaching and healing work.
Since 2004, Roel has taught thousands in shamanism and healing in Belgium, the Netherlands, Sweden, Austria, Italy and France. His work has been published in publications such as "Bres" and "Change".
You can find his work and that of his colleagues at ""
Sign up now
Paypal/Credit cardSign up now - payment plan
Paypal/Credit card x3Or pay via bank transfer here
Or pay via bank transfer here
Should you find after the first 2 modules that the training, for whatever reason, is not for you, you can inform us within 7 days and we will give you a full refund.
So you run no risk and can freely test whether the course really suits you.

Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is an online course?
2. Are the sessions live or pre-recorded?
3. Is any prior knowledge required?
4. What if I have financial difficulties?