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I would like to receive these special bonuses

To CELEBRATE with my community,

that I am teaching a course for the Shift Network,

I am giving you these 7 bonuses when you join
my Ancestral Wisdom course.

(these are on top of the bonuses that all participants receive, just because you are part of my community.

I am teaching a course for the Shift Network,

I am giving you these 7 bonuses when you join
my Ancestral WisdomKeeper course.

Receive these 7 Extra Bonuses

on top of the ones that all participants receive,
just because you are part of my amazing community!

BONUS 1: Be part of the very first Healing Circle with One-on-One healing and group Healing

For the first time ever, Roel will hold a healing ceremony where you will see him work one-on-one with several participants while he performs healing and clearing of their topics in the collective field also. So everyone present will receive the benefits of the healing.

Roel has performed this form of healing in groups, but this is the first time he will share this online. This session will be on Zoom, with a replay. 

BONUS 2: "Healing your Ancestral Wounds" - 4-part workshop (remastered)

A powerful workshop that will help you to bring healing into your ancestry, and guide you to a place of deep connection to Ancestral Healers. A journey of healing the limiting programming from your ancestry and step into a new light of being. 

This workshop was given live in Feb 2023, but will be remastered into a 4-part training that you can download and use for years to come.

BONUS 3: Light and Vitality Meditation

Roel guides you in this powerful 15-minute meditation that will recharge your energy and bring you into a deep connection with what he calls 'the Light of the Infinite', a meditation that is foundational in his personal spiritual practice. 

BONUS 4: Liberating your Creative power Meditation

We all know how it feels when our creative power is blocked. In this meditation, Roel guides you to the source of your creative power and liberate your full potential. 

BONUS 5: Energy-clearing Meditation 

Through guided meditation and ancestral healing song, Roel guides you in a 10-minute energy-clearing meditation, that you can do whenever you feel that something is off. Working with the energy of light, and the power that comes through the song, you will recharge and refresh your energy-field and receive a powerful tool that can help you throughout your life. 

BONUS 6: Refuge in the Light of Peace Meditation 

In this meditation, you are guided to a place of safety and peace within your own soul.  A place where you can find deep rest...

BONUS 7: "Awaken to your Shamanic Path" 3-part workshop

Get the fully remastered Shamanic introductory workshop with over 4 hours of teachings about shamanic practices for Empowerment, Guidance and Healing.

Part 1: Shamanic Empowerment - 1:22:47
Part 2: Shamanic Guidance - 1:19:21
Part 3: Shamanic Healing - 1:22:56

Yes, I would like to receive these special bonuses

Sandra Ingerman, Peggy Dylan and Jane Burns about Roel

Sandra Ingerman about Roel

"Roel Crabbe's work is exquisite.  His life experience has led him to be a brilliant and compassionate shamanic healer and teacher. I have known Roel since 2004 and had the opportunity to watch him work many times.

His work is really beautiful and touches deep into the soul of his clients. His communication is clear and his work is truly innovative. Anyone attending a workshop with Roel will come out a wealth of teachings, healing and inspiration."

- Sandra Ingerman, author of 10 books on shamanism including "Soul Retrieval" and "Walking in Light."

Peggy Dylan about Roel

"The teachers who have impacted my life in the most profound way have all had a number of qualities in common: compassion, intelligence and integrity. Above all they walked their talk, in other words they lived their lives from their principles.

In my experience Roel Crabbe has the qualities that set apart a true teacher in abundance. The Sufis call their teachers Spiritual Friends, I believe you could find no better Spiritual Friend than Roel."

- Peggy Dylan, founder of Sundoor School of Transformation

Jane Burns about Roel

"Roel Crabbe is a powerfully talented shamanic teacher and musician and a deeply creative innovator in our field. His ceremonies, healing modalities and therapies are one-of-a-kind and profoundly transformative. His many gifts and strengths make him exceptional, and he is a true stand-out among his peers."

- Jane Burns, author of “Up a Tree: A Novel and Shamanic Handbook”

Chetna Lawless about Roel

"Roel’s commitment and passion for supporting people to connect to spirit is a true blessing for this world. His soulful songs evoke ancient healing, and open the portals between the worlds. When he creates ceremony, you can truly feel the prescences of the loving, healing ancestors and spirits. This is powerful work!"

- Chetna Lawless - Shamanic Teacher and Transmitter of the Colour Rays

How to claim your 7 bonuses

Step 1: Use THIS link to read more about the course and to join if you feel called

(if you already purchased the course, please proceed to step 2)

CLICK HERE to discover the course on the Shift Network Platform

Step 2: Send us your receipt


Once you've purchased the course, you'll receive an order confirmation from The Shift Network.
Just forward your receipt to: [email protected]
Please use the subject: "Shamanic Wisdom Keeper Bonuses."

By doing this, we'll know who to email all the details on how to claim the bonuses!

Step 3: Receive your awesome bonuses!


Once we confirm your purchase and the 14 days money-back guarantee is over (on April 4th), we'll send you all the details to the email address you signed up with on how to access all of the bonuses listed above.

If you have any questions, please reach out to us at [email protected]

About Roel Crabbé

Roel Crabbe has been practising shamanism since 1995 under the guidance of both traditional and Western teachers. He has been personally trained and authorized to teach Shamanic journeying and healing by Sandra Ingerman, former education director of the Foundation for Shamanic Studies and author of "Soul Retrieval" & "Medicine for the Earth" among others.

Apart from this work, he has developed numerous own practices and facilitates shamanic rituals and ceremonies for transformation and healing. He has been recognized by several traditional shamans for his ability to bring in very pure energies and tap into ancient songlines from the Spirit world. His work with ancestral healing songs, which are often only sung once, has become an intrinsic part of his teaching and healing work.

Since 2004, Roel has taught thousands in shamanism and healing in Belgium, the Netherlands, Sweden, Austria, Italy and France. His work has been published in publications such as "Bres" and "Change".

You can find his work and that of his colleagues at ""



"...this was one of the purest, most genuine and most rewarding courses I have experienced."

"I am deeply moved by Roel his course. Having studied with many teachers over the years, this was one of the purest, most genuine and most rewarding courses I have experienced. Roel is clearly serving as a divine channel and guide to bring each of us many steps closer to home. It was an honor to journey under his wings."

-  Travis Day

"His course enabled me to make much needed changes in my life...."

"I am a shamanic practitioner and was not sure if the journeying course would be too basic. I couldn’t have been more wrong. Roel introduced me to techniques I had never encountered and this took my practice to a depth that had previously eluded me. He is an authentic and compassionate teacher who works from the heart and his love of teaching and his humility are so beautiful. His course enabled me to make much needed changes in my life that have had an immediate impact and will serve me well for the future. A fire deep within me was reignited by Roel’s style of teaching and I am so grateful for that."  

Linda Kincaid

"I have meditated in the past, but these journeys are amazing!"

"First let me say how grateful I am for you and your teachings! When you start singing, it puts me into a deep, deep place. I have meditated some in the past, but these journeys are amazing!  The journeys are very powerful for me and has created a connection to all things like I have never experienced before! I will continue with the shamanic journey practice to continue to connect and bring more light and love into my life so that I may radiate that light and love to others."

- Karen O'Rourke

"The truth of his teachings touched me on a deep emotional and spiritual level."

"Roel is an authentic shamanic practitioner and a true medium of the spirit world. It is undeniable from the very beginning that he is capable of confidently disarming any form of scepticism. The truth of his teachings touched me on a deep emotional and spiritual level. I will always be grateful for the transformative healing I gained from trusting him, his guidance and support. I will strongly and without hesitation encourage everyone to learn with him.

- Andreína Pérez

"I feel grateful for and blessed by all the gifts that I received from and through you."

"I would like to thank you wholeheartedly for the loving teacher and person that you are. Your well-balanced teachings are based on your profound experience in shamanism and contain deep practical wisdom for spiritual practice and living. I experience your music and singing as a powerful vehicle for deep trance-journeys, not only for mastering the basics of shamanism but also for receiving profound healing and transformation. I feel grateful for and blessed by all the gifts that I received from and through you. Thank you for the love, the light and the healing that you so kindly bring into this world."  

- Ed de Jonge

" gave me the necessary tools to continue working on my own, and with the help of the shamanic journeys, to really take control of my life."

    "For me, your way of working is characterized by pure simplicity in an atmosphere of serenity, without sacrificing depth. Quite the contrary! In this course, you made me come home again to the essence and through to the core. The core of who I am and what I want to achieve in my life. From there, you gave me the necessary tools to continue working on my own and with the help of the shamanic journeys to really take control of my life. All this in a safe and supportive environment, where we could all feel again what it is like to be carried along on the flow of life itself..."

- Kris

"Every time it is a feeling of coming home again...."

"Shamanism has put me back on my path. Through these workshops with Roel, I feel again what connectedness means. We make journeys to the other worlds to get to know and learn from our guides. For me Roel is also my guide, who with a warm heart, shows the possibilities to reconnect with yourself, with others, with nature, and with everything that is... Every time it is a feeling of coming home again. Thank you!"

 - Cindy

"So many times during the course I thought, yes, this is it!"

"This course has brought me so much. For years I have been looking for this connection with life. I have found something precious that lies deep within me and at the same time encompasses a big vast space. So many times during the course I thought yes, this is it! And this gave me so much peace and confidence. Two qualities that I came forward strongly in the course and are still within me.

 At this point in my life, there is a lot of turbulence, but it is as if I am centered in the center of the storm, accepting what is while I see my path unfolding. I feel deep gratitude that I was able to experience this course. Thank you, Roel, for all your wisdom and all your warmth."

 - Brigitte Ension

"As I am writing this, two big decisions I made for my life during the course are now manifested into reality."

"I attended your course when I had sunk deeply after an emotionally tough year. During this course I regained insight into my priorities in this time in my life. Priorities that really came from my soul. I was able to see clearly again and make decisions. As I am writing this, two big decisions I made for my life during the course ,are now manifested into reality."

 - An Truyens

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