Shamanic doorways to live your full potential

5-week Shamanic Healing & Empowerment Journey

with Roel Crabbe



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Shamanic doorways to living your full potential

A  5- week Shamanic Healing & Empowerment journey in living your Soul – Purpose and igniting your true power.


Awaken your Soul Destiny...

We all naturally long for the feeling of living from our true destiny and true essence. In 5-week journey you will be immersed in the dimensions of your own soul, to grow and live according to your Soul’s purpose.

Following the path of your Soul Destiny is for those who feel the deep calling:

  • To live from your unique connection to the Universal life force: your home as a soul. When we empower this connection, it begins to guide us, it shows us parts of the blueprint of our soul, it shows the path.
  • To bring out the dimension of the soul in yourself, and truly express your full potential.
  • To be able to access the spiritual realms and magical layers of reality.
  • To live from your inner power and no longer look for your true strength in the outside world, but find it within, in your true core. You become someone that walks in the light of your own soul
  • To release old blockages and self-sabotage and surrender to your true path.
  • To live from your personal relationship with life and realizing that the power you seek is always available within yourself.

By walking this path you become someone who is no longer waiting for change, but someone who brings what you are looking for into the world.

“After working with thousands of people I have heard so many stories about wanting to find your place in the world and give the gifts of your soul. We all now that longing. 

Let me tell you what your Soul’s Purpose is: You are here in the world to express the fullness of your beauty, your compassion, your love, power and creativity in such a way that it uplifts you and others. You are a brilliant genius and you have so much to contribute. And I believe this is your time…

The Soul Destiny Journey program has one intention: “Transformation”. 

I am gathering a group of dedicated people that are committed to bring out the best of themselves to the world and bring forward a new version of themselves. A group that comes together to lift each other up and feels in their heart that this is their time. 

I hope you will join.”

- Roel Crabbe


Here’s What You’ll Receive in the “Live Edition” Soul Destiny Program

  • 5 IN depth Modules with Live teachings, Shamanic Healing meditations and guidance on transformation.
    Each session is 2 hours long
    This is the only time Roel is giving this series with Live sessions. (next series are recordings)
  • One-time opportunity: Tailor-made guidance: Before each module, you have the opportunity to give Roel 2 questions about that teaching, by sending them to the teaching portal. Roel will work to address those questions as best as possible.
  • VIP Membership portal for easy access to all the Soul Destiny Video Replays.
  • Audio transcripts & Audio recordings so you can re-listen to all the lessons on your smartphone or other device.
  • Private Soul Destiny forum where you can share your experiences and be sheered on by your peers.


2 Live 90-minute Q&A sessions where Roel will guide you deeper and address questions.



Healing ceremonies. Roel will offer a minimum of 2 LIVE 30-minute healing ceremonies where he will hold ceremony and sing Ancestral Healing songs, especially for this group.


Free access to the Soul Destiny 2.0 Course. After the completion of this LIVE version, Roel will work on the recordings, and, maybe add materials, coming from your feedback. Since you are part of this live-version, Roel gives you Free access to the next version of this course.



14 day Money-back guarantee: If for any reason you decide the course is not for you, you have a full 14-day guarantee period to let us know and we'll send you a full refund. It's risk free. 

“When we live from our soul, we discover a natural flow that opens the doors to manifestations beyond what we thought was possible”

– Roel Crabbe

Your Soul Destiny Journey Course Curriculum


Awakening to the Soul 

How to connect to the realms of the Soul & infinite possibilities

How do we Awaken to the Soul? How do we create that deep connection to the soul, so we can live from that connection in everyday life? How can we literally live in the Light of our Soul?

In this first module we will dive deep into the process of Soul- Awakening and Soul-Listening.  We have all tasted how this feels, but how can we really live form this place and embody it?

You will learn:

  • The different aspects of Soul and how to differentiate Soul, ego and thought?
  • How to recognize true soul-calling, and the ‘fragnance’ of the Soul?
  • How to receive guidance and inspiration from the dimensions of the soul.
  • How to let go of fear in relationship to your true purpose.
  • Soul-listening practices
  • Shamanic Healing meditations to make deep connections with the realms of Soul and let go of limitations that are holding you back.
  • Soul Embodiment: how to integrate living from your Soul into daily live.
  • How to stay connected to your Soul in times of turmoil or stress.


Power – the Light Body & Healing of Soul Wounds

How to raise your frequency and bring healing to your soul.

We have all met people that embodied the light of their Soul. They radiate a light that is unique, powerful and special. A light and frequency that touches our heart.

In this module we will work with the Light body, but also with the Soul Wounds that need healing, so we can embrace the fullness of our being and no longer be so fragmented. 

You will learn:

  • How to work with the Light body and Power: keys to radiating the light of our authentic self
  • Embodied Soul practice: how to ground yourself and anchor the light of your soul.
  • Energy practices: How to stay in Power and live from your authenticity.
  • Healing the Ancient Wounds of separation and it’s thorns of self-judgement, jealousy and despair.
  • How Soul Wounds influence our being and life and what their deeper meaning is.
  • Embracing the shadow: letting go of fear and cultivating love towards the abandoned parts of our being
  • Soul Healing practices that work and are safe
  • The Transfigured state as guide and healer in raising your frequency and deepening peace.
  • How to stay in Power and connected to your center during difficult moments?


Soul Destiny retrieval

How to reconnect to your Soul Purpose and anchor it in daily life. 

What is our true calling in life? How can we live our Soul Destiny? How can we start remembering our purpose and why are we holding ourselves back?

In this module you will be guided in activating your Soul Destiny and reconnect to your true essence. But you will also get the tools to move past the things that stop you in your tracks, so you can live your full potential.

You will learn:

  • What is the purpose of the Soul? Why did we came here?
  • How can I live, create, and love to my fullest potential?
  • Surrender & Soul–Power: how to embody the frequency of your Soul’s Destiny and have the courage to live it.
  • Self-sabotage: how we are holding ourselves back and how to overcome it.
  • Soul-Destiny retrieval practices to remember your Soul’s purpose
  • Soul-mission: Alignment & Connection: How to get out of your own way and stay open
  • The Temple of the Heart: Deep Soul-Practices for embodying essence.
  • How do I stay connected at all times in my heart and with my soul and guiding spirits
  • How can I keep that deeper connection with my Soul during a longer period?


Synchronicity & Soul family 

How to access Soul-Resonance, synchronicity and open the doors to your ‘Soul Family’ or ‘Soul friends’  

When we start living in Soul-frequency, the Universe starts conspiring on our behalf. Seemingly out of nowhere, magic starts happening.

In this module you learn to access these realms. Not only to open the fields of synchronicity, but also to attract our tribe: our true “Soul friends”

You will learn:

  • The Soul-Heart connection as portal to embodying the frequency of your soul.
  • The Soul’s longing for ‘Home’ as a teacher and guide in discovering the unique frequency of your soul
  • How to access the fields of resonance and synchronicity.
  • How to use the laws of frequency to attract what is right for our journey
  • Myths and misunderstandings about the laws of attraction and frequency.
  • How to attract your Soul-family & Soul friends
  • Shamanic ceremony for Soul-resonance and attracting your Soul-Family.


Becoming a conscious creator

How to manifest from your soul as a co-creator

We are all needed in these times of transformation. We all have a role to play and we all have medicine to give to this world.

In this module you will unlock the doors to manifestation: You are a powerful creator and you came here to create from your Soul. And it is time to live your purpose and your full potential.

You will learn:

  • How can to request help from the Divine and work with the Infinite
  • How to create, in harmony with our Soul’s purpose.
  • How to ‘get out of the way’ so the Infinite can work through us.
  • The power of integrated spiritual practice how to integrate the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical aspects of our true being.
  • Portal of the Eternal light of the Soul: the power of rekindling the Soul’s flame.
  • How to really implement Soul Practices in your life?
  • How to recognize and stay aligned in vibration, words and actions with your Soul Purpose
  • Shamanic ceremony for manifesting from the Soul.

Plus Receive these 3 Additional Special Bonuses


3 Live 90-minute Q&A sessions

Before each session you can sent in your questions. Roel will meet with you and the group and dive deep into the questions, to help you further on you path of manifesting from your purpose.


Healing ceremonies.

Roel will offer a minimum of 2 LIVE 30-minute healing ceremonies where he will hold ceremony and sing Ancestral Healing songs, especially for this group.


Free access to the Soul Destiny 2.0 Course.

After the completion of this LIVE version, Roel will work on the recordings, and, maybe add materials, coming from your feedback. Since you are part of this live-edition, Roel gives you Free access to the next version of this course.

So this literally means that you will get this Live course for free.


Sandra Ingerman about Roel

"Roel Crabbe's work is exquisite. His life experience has led him to be a brilliant and compassionate shamanic healer and teacher. I have known Roel since 2004 and had the opportunity to watch him work many times.

His work is really beautiful and touches deep into the soul of his clients. His communication is clear and his work is truly innovative. Anyone attending a workshop with Roel will come out with a wealth of teachings, healing, and inspiration."

- Sandra Ingerman, author of 10 books on shamanism including "Soul Retrieval" and "Walking in Light"


What Graduates of Roel his Soul Destiny training are saying...


"...All guidelines and inspiration that I can draw back on and now start to make visible in my life."

"The Soul Destiny workshop was an amazing infusion of solid ideas, deep sharing and powerful exercises. I have put down over 30 pages in my notebook. All guidelines and inspiration that I can draw back on and now start to make visible in my life… “ 

-  Heidi L.

 "...During this course I regained insight into my priorities in this time in my life."

"I attended the workshop when I had sunk deeply after an emotionally tough year. During this course I regained insight into my priorities in this time in my life. Priorities that really came from my soul. I was able to see clearly again and make decisions. As I am writing this, 2 big decisions I made for my life during the course, are now manifested into reality. "  

-  An Truyens

"...It brought me powerful wisdom, inner-light and a deep connection with all that is, was and will be."

"In the midst of a turbulent period in my life, this weekend was an unexpected breather full of purity and life energy. It brought me powerful wisdom, inner-light and a deep connection with all that is, was and will be. I have never been felt so calm and powerful at the same time. I carry that essence with me now. "

- Eve S.

 "...I have found something precious that lies deep within me and at the same time encompasses a big, vast space."

"This Soul Destiny course has brought me so much. For years I have been looking for this connection with life. I have found something precious that lies deep within me and at the same time encompasses a big, vast space. So many times during the course I thought: yes, this is it! And this gave me so much peace and confidence. Two qualities that I came forward strongly in the course and are still within me.

At this point in my life, there is a lot of turbulence, but it is as if I am centered in the center of the storm, accepting what is while I see my path unfolding. I feel deep gratitude that I was able to experience this course. Thank you, Roel, for all your wisdom and all your warmth. "

-Brigitte Ension

"...I no longer have to follow the same old paths..."

"This is an amazing training! So many previous experiences with my soul destiny became more detailed now. I no longer have to follow the same old paths, but can take new paths. For me, the training took me out of my right brain and brought me to my left brain.

I love it how you gave such clear steps in how to apply this in my day to day life. Absolutely recommended. "

-Erna H.

"...It was so obvious to me that he had made this deep journey many times himself..." 

    "Roel as "Soul-Guide” on this journey to the "Land of the Soul”? I couldn’t wish for better! With wisdom, humor, and compassion he guided us through all possible mountains and valleys. He brought me to places I had never seen before.

It was so obvious to me that he had made this deep journey many times himself and knows exactly what he is doing and saying. He is so respectful to each of us and in constant alignment with the group energy and the Spirit World. Pure, sincere, and completely himself.

During my many years, I have journeyed many times, but this journey is one to never forget.


"...For me it was the first step to more awareness..".

"The Soul Destiny course was an amazing new experience. For me it was the first step to more awareness.

The course brought up a lot for me and I truly feel I have grown enormously since. I live from my heart as much as possible and follow the path of love and light. I still pick up my notes from time to time to get more guidance and inspiration. Thank you so much Roel."

-Martine Masquelier

About Roel Crabbe

Roel Crabbé has been practicing shamanism since 1995 under the guidance of both traditional and Western teachers. He is personally trained and authorized to teach Shamanic journeying and shamanic healing by Sandra Ingerman, former education director of the Foundation for Shamanic Studies and author of a.o. “Soul Retrieval” & “Medicine for the Earth”.

Apart from this work he has developed numerous own practices and facilitates shamanic rituals and ceremonies for transformation and healing. He has been recognized by several traditional shamans for his ability to bring in very pure energies and tap into ancient songlines from the Spiritworld. His work with ancestral healing songs, which are often only sung once, has become an intrinsic part of his teaching and healing work.

Since 2004, Roel has taught thousands in shamanism and healing in Belgium, the Netherlands, Sweden, Austria, Italy, and France. His work has been published in publications by, among others, Bres and Change magazine.

You can find his work and that of his colleagues at

Just in the last 2 months, to support the community during this pandemic, Roel has been offering over 40 hours of free online live-streaming events that have reached many thousands. This new series is dedicated to stepping into our own guidance and creative power.

Here's what you'll receive when you register to the Soul Destiny coaching program:


  • You will get a five-week-long live shamanic Healing & Empowerment journey: “Soul Destiny”, in which you can give your questions and in which you will be supported by Roel. It is the only time that he is giving this course like this.
  • 5 Modules that walk you through this journey of deepening into your Soul Destiny and the unfolding of it.
  • One- time opportunity: you have the opportunity to give Roel 1 question about each of the modules by sending them to the teaching portal. Roel will work to address those questions as best as possible.
  • You get a VIP Membership portal that gives you easy access to all Soul Destiny Video Replays. If you are not able to follow one session, you will be able to use the audio files.
  • Transcript of all the training videos  (perfect if you prefer reading.)
  • Audio-only files of all the training and meditations (For you to keep listening when you are in the car or taking a rest) 
  • You will be part of a Private Soul Destiny forum where you can share your experiences and be sheered on by your peers.

Plus get these extra bonuses:

  • Bonus 1: 2 Live 90-minute Q&A sessions in which Roel will guide you deeper into your Soul Destiny Journey and address questions.
  • Bonus 2Roel will offer you 2 Live 30-minute healing ceremonies where he will hold ceremony and sing Ancestral Healing Songs, especially for this group.
  • Bonus 3: Free access to the Soul Destiny 2.0 Course. After the completion of this Live-edition, Roel will work on the recording and maybe add materials coming from your feedback. Since you are part of this live version, Roel gives Free access to the next version of this Course.

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