Entering the 8 Ceremonies in the Celtic Wheel of Transformation.
A 1-Year journey into Celtic Shamanic Soul-Nurturing ceremonies to empower you
to live your life fully & ignite your true power.
How would it feel to Live from your Soul?
We all naturally long for the feeling of living from our true destiny and true essence. In this 8-ceremony series, you can reconnect again and again to the deepest parts of your soul and find true guidance by accessing the spiritual realms.
Reconnect to the Ancient Celtic roadmap for Soul Harmony
Following the path of your Soul-Ceremony is for those who feel the deep calling:
- To live with purpose and work with shamanic ceremony to live from a deeper connection.
- To bring out the dimension of the soul in yourself, and truly express your full potential.
- To be able to access the spiritual realms and magical layers of reality.
- To live from your inner power and no longer look for your true strength in the outside world, but find it within, in your own being. You become someone that walks in the light of your own soul.
- To release old blockages and self-sabotage and surrender to your true path.
- To live from your personal relationship with Source and realize that the power you seek is always available within yourself.
By walking the path of Soul Ceremony you become someone who is no longer waiting for change, but someone who brings what you are looking for into the world.
"Our Ancestors lived in a much stronger connection with the land and the cycles of the year. Following their path, I created this series of the 8 ceremonies in the Wheel of Transformation, to help anyone to transform their lives with more ease and grace.
These transformative ceremonies can be held at their specific times in the year, but can also be used in between, whenever they call on you.
The purpose of this series is to give you powerful tools for transformation so that you can bring healing to your soul, receive spiritual guidance and true empowerment that comes from within. they will help you get unstuck, heal deep wounds and get clarity for your Soul's path.
If you feel called to dive deep into the shamanic ceremonies and live an empowered and soul-filled life then this series is for you.
I hope you will join."
- Roel Crabbe
“When we live from our soul, we discover a natural flow that opens the doors to manifestations beyond what we thought was possible"
Roel Crabbe
You will receive this when you purchase the Year of Soul Ceremony series:

Video Download of all 8 Ceremonies
You will receive video recordings of all the 8 live Year of Soul Ceremonies, so you can rewatch them whenever you like

Audio Download of all 8 Ceremonies
You will receive audio recordings of all the 8 live Year of Soul Ceremonies, so you can listen to them whenever you like

3 Special Bonuses:
Watch and listen to the 2 remastered bonus sessions:
- Bonus 1: Healing Ceremony
- Bonus 2: Soul-Mending Ceremony
And receive Roel's best-selling workshop "Meet your Spirit Guide"
Eight 90-minute healing ceremonies

SESSION 1: Winter Solstice Ceremony: "Light of the Eternal Sun"
In the Winter Solstice portal: "Light of the Eternal Sun", you will activate the light in yourself and in the world.
- Reconnect to the cycle of nature.
- Step through the portal of growing light.
- Re-attune your energy body to the frequency of the Eternal Sun.
- Feel the connection of our worldwide tribe.
- Together, anchor light in our being and in the world.

SESSION 2: IMBOLC Ceremony: "The New Dawn of Awakening"
During the Imbolc ceremony, you will discover the gift of the new dawn, connecting your soul deeply to the energy of renewal and awakening.
- Connect to the different levels of Awakening
- Reconnect to the energy of the Morningstar as a guide in your life
- Anchor the frequencies of the New Dawn into your being
- Remember your connection to the Divine Light
- Step into your "Awakening energy"

SESSION 3: OSTARA: “Portal of the New Dawn” Spring Equinox Ceremony
In the Spring Equinox ceremony you will anchor the light of Ostara, the Portal of the New Dawn, into your being and bring healing and empowerment to your Soul
- Open your Soul to the Light of Ostara: the Portal of the New Dawn.
- Learn how to raise your frequency with the energy of the Morningstar.
- Learn healing practices to rejuvenate your energy system with the River of Light.
- Join us for ceremony for the healing and support of the collective.

SESSION 4: BELTANE Ceremony: “Portal of the Bright One"
Enter the frequency of Beltane: the 'Portal of the Bright One', into your being and bring healing and empowerment to your Soul.
- Open your Soul to the Light of Beltane: the Portal of the Bright One.
- Learn how to raise your frequency with the energy of the Bright Fire.
- Bring healing into our energy system
- Reconnect to the fire of creativity to ignite in our hearts, body and soul.
- Join Roel in ceremony for the healing and support of the collective.

SESSION 5: Summer Solstice Ceremony: “Portal of the Radiant Heart”
In this ceremony, you will anchor the light of the Summer Solstice: 'Portal of the Radiant Heart', into your being and bring healing and empowerment to your Soul.
- Let go of the old with gratitude and open ourselves to the new Light that is coming into the world.
- Empower your connection with the Eternal Light.
- Anchor the frequencies of your Soul's calling into your body.
- Remember your connection to the Divine Light.

SESSION 6: Lughnasadh Ceremony: “Entering the Fields of Golden Light”
In this powerful ceremony, you will anchor the light of Lughnasadh into your being to become the powerful manifestor that you are.
- Enter the frequency of 'Golden Light' and ignite your creative potential
- Learn to embody Manifestation energy
- Anchor the frequencies of your Soul's calling into your body
- Remember your connection to the source of true abundance

SESSION 7: Mabon Ceremony: “Enter the Blueprint of Abundance" - Autumn Equinox
In this powerful Equinox ceremony, you will anchor the light of Mabon into your being and bring healing and empowerment to your Soul.
- Enter the Blueprint of Abundance for your Soul's journey.
- Reconnect to the frequency of the Child of Light & your true essence.
- Anchor the frequencies of balance between male and female.
- Remember your connection to the Divine Light.

SESSION 8: Samhain Ceremony: “Embrace the Light of the Ancestors”
In this ceremony, you will anchor the light of Samhain into your being, and bring healing and empowerment to your Soul and the Ancestors.
- Reconnect to the Ancestors of Light and their powerful medicine.
- Bring healing to your life, that of your ancestry and future generations.
- Anchor the frequencies of your Soul's calling into your body.
- Remember your connection to the support and guidance of the Ancestral helpers
PLUS Get these 3 Amazing Bonuses!

Bonus 1: Extra Healing ceremony
Roel held a separate Healing Ceremony just to support this group. This remastered group ceremony is available on the course platform, so you can receive this healing whenever you feel you need it.

Bonus 2: "Soul Mending ceremony for purpose & empowerment"
Roel shared this Healing ceremony to help you mend parts of your soul that were scattered or fragmented. Especially in these intense times, it is crucial that we learn to gather ourselves energetically and not allow ourselves to get scattered that much. So that we can step into greater wholeness, purpose and empowerment.

Bonus 3: "Meet your Spirit Guide" workshop"
As an extra gift, you will receive Roel his most popular workshop where he takes you deep into your connection with your Spirit guide. You will receive both Video and Audio versions of this workshop, so you can make these journeys, wherever you are.
Sandra Ingerman about Roel
"Roel Crabbe's work is exquisite. His life experience has led him to be a brilliant and compassionate shamanic healer and teacher. I have known Roel since 2004 and had the opportunity to watch him work many times.
His work is really beautiful and touches deep into the soul of his clients. His communication is clear and his work is truly innovative. Anyone attending a workshop with Roel will come out a wealth of teachings, healing and inspiration."
- Sandra Ingerman, author of 10 books on shamanism including "Soul Retrieval" and "Walking in Light."

Peggy Dylan about Roel
"The teachers who have impacted my life in the most profound way have all had a number of qualities in common: compassion, intelligence and integrity. Above all they walked their talk, in other words they lived their lives from their principles.
In my experience Roel Crabbe has the qualities that set apart a true teacher in abundance. The Sufis call their teachers Spiritual Friends, I believe you could find no better Spiritual Friend than Roel."
- Peggy Dylan

What people say about the ceremonies

Carrie A.
Thank you so much for this wonderful ceremony and teaching. It was exactly what I needed to learn grow and pray to share. It has been such a terrible and difficult year. I am so happy I found this.

Laure B.
Hello Roel, happy to be with you again for now almost 1 year. You brought me many beautiful journeys with the sessions but also with a course that I followed with you. I am now on the way to become a therapist, so many thanks for what you did for me and I send you all my gratitude.

Lieve D.
The light, your light through this solstice meditation is really uplifting our inner light! So thankful!
I feel blessed to meet “ equus” and radiant light of creation! So, powerful!

An G.
Thank you so very much, I was so happy that I had the opportunity to dance during the ceremony, I felt Joy, Reconnection, Light, the Sun, lots of energy, the Lightriver streaming...so happy...and grateful.

Mayumi B.
Very special, very beautiful, lots of gratitude to your work. I choose to be in the light and reach out to my community and friends, keep planting seeds and imagining a better world. Lots of love

Marjan V.
Thanks Roel for this very powerful gathering into light, silence and love; these will be the basic ingredients for the year to come. Thank you circle.
Year of Soul Ceremony Series
Paypal / CreditcardYear of Soul Ceremony Series
Bank TransferAbout Roel Crabbé
Roel Crabbe has been practising shamanism since 1995 under the guidance of both traditional and Western teachers. He is personally trained and authorized to teach Shamanic journeying and shamanic healing by Sandra Ingerman former education director of the Foundation for Shamanic Studies and author of a.o. "Soul Retrieval" & "Medicine for the Earth."
Apart from this work he has developed numerous own practices and facilities shamanic rituals and ceremonies for transformation and healing. He has been recognized by several traditional shamans for his ability to bring in very pure energies and tap into ancient songlines from the Spiritworld. His work with ancestral healing songs, which are often only sung once, has become an intrinsic part of his teaching and healing work.
Since 2004, Roel has taught thousands in shamanism and healing in Belgium, the Netherlands, Sweden, Austria, Italy and France. His work has been published in publications by, among others, Bres and Change magazine.
Since the start of the pandemic, Roel has been supporting the community with over 50 live online events that have reached over 150 000 views.
The Year of Soul Ceremony series is dedicated to stepping into our own guidance and creative power, and create a deeper connection to Nature and Source.
Year of Soul Ceremony Series
Paypal / CreditcardYear of Soul Ceremony Series
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1. What do I get when I purchase the Year of Soul Ceremony series?
2. Any questions?