Year of Soul Ceremony - Winter Solstice


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We are in the time of the Winter Solstice, a powerful time of the year, which was celebrated in ceremony by our ancestors for thousands of years.

The Winter Solstice is really all about stepping through the gate of new light. It is the birth of a new solar year, a new cycle of the sun. It is time to let go of the old with gratitude and open ourselves to the new Light that is coming into the world.

In the ‘Light of the Eternal Sun’ we will work together to attune our Light Body and consciousness to this enormous light-event and really anchor that not only in our being but also in the world.

- Reconnect to the cycle of nature.
- Step through the portal of growing light.
- Re-attune your energy body to the frequency of the Eternal Sun.
- Feel the connection of our worldwide tribe.
- Together, anchor light in our being and in the world.